On August 10, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, at the Computer Laboratory, 623 Srisavarindhira Building, 6th floor, Siriraj Hospital, Information Department, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University sent staff to attend the training and take care of the Kibana system and configuration questionnaire. 6 sets
To provide participants with knowledge and understanding about the use of reporting in Dashboard format by using the basic Kibana system and how to add/edit questionnaire sets in the questionnaire response system.
by Jaijai IT Co., Ltd. as the main speaker to explain various details In order to be able to support a large number of users of the system and take care of the system so that the service goes well and can be used and respond at any time
#Bangkoknoimodel #บางกอกน้อยโมเดล #ศิริราชเพื่อสังคม