Training, maintenance and maintenance of Code Laravel + VueJS by Jaijai IT Co., Ltd.

On July 26, 2023 at 13.00-16.30 and on July 27, 2023 at 9.00-12.00 at Computer Laboratory 620 and 623, Srisavarindhira Building, 6th floor, Siriraj Hospital . Information Department, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, University. Mahidol has sent staff to attend the training on supervision and maintenance of the Code Laravel + VueJS system so that the participants have a better understanding of the structure and operation of Nuxt.js and laravel .

by Huajai IT Co., Ltd. as the main speaker to explain various details In order to be able to support a large number of system users. Watching and maintaining to keep the service running well and usable. and respond at any time


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