Disruptive Teacher and Sexuality Education for Adolescence



January 2 – March 16 2020


To develop competency in sexulity learning management for teacher and administrators in secondary schools Bankok Noi

Target group

teacher and administrators in secondary schools Bankok Noi


1. Imprementation plan

1.1 meeting plan for training on 2,4,6,8,14,20,29 January 2020 and 4 February 2020

1.2 meeting plan 8 times with administater on 2,6,7,28,31 and 4

2. organizing for teacher and administrators in secondary schools Bankok Noi District, 4 schools

(1) Suwannaramwitayakhom school on 10,11,18 January 2020

(2) Wat Nairong secondary school

(3) Wat Dusitaram secondary school and Suan Anan school

3. Evaluation befor and after training

4. The data from group discussions were use to design for furth manange comprenensive sexulity education in schools.


1. 145 teacher and administrators have knowlege and possitive attitudes in teaching sexulity education, 69 Disruptive Teacher and Sexuality Education have knowlege, possitive attitudes in teaching sexulity education and skill of sexulity counselling. There are two groups:

Group 1, teacher and administrators have 86% of knowlege in sexulity education and 99% of possitive attitudes in teaching sexulity education.

Group 2, 69 Disruptive Teacher have 87% of knowlege in sexulity education, 100% of possitive attitudes in teaching sexulity education, 98% of knowlege in teaching sexulity education, 75% of evaluation knowledge, 96% of sexulity counselling knowledge, 90% of sexulity counselling skills, 98% achive sexulity teaching skill and 90% achive sexulity counselling skill.

2. curricurum appropiate for comprehensive sexulity education with student in secondary school.

3. Facebook paltform and media for teacher.